Sinking the Spine between shoulder blades #96Spinal Rotation (5-2-18)
Bending Trunk:torso to the side while sitting # 1 (5-3-17)
Rolling to sit with the Elbows #3 (7-10-19)
Rolling to sit with the arms raise & Elbows #3 (6-20-18)
Rolling to sit with the use of Elbows & Core (7-19-17)
Rolling to sit using Pelvis, hands, coming up to stand #3, & #22 (7-17-19)
Seeing the Heels # 2 2nd version
Rolling to sit with Elbows & Core # 3 (8-31-16)
Seeing the Heels while on the Stomach #7 (4-17-19)
Seeing the heels while on stomach, opening hips # 7 (6-8-16)
Chanukia, The Candle Holder with Variations #18 (5-15-19)
Preperation for clock, pelvis & core (9-13-17)
Preperation of a clock # 19 (8-16-17)
Bending the Elbowd over the Kneres, engagaing the Core #20 (12-18-19)
Bending the Elbows over the Knees using the core #20 (7-26-17)
Bending the Elbows over the knees #20
Sitting on the floor with the help of your hands #22
Legs crossed, Expanding chest & abdomen #28 (1-8-2020)
Crossing legs tilting to the right & left expanding chest and abdomen #28
Legs crossed & sea saw brething #28 5-31-17
Minimal Lifting Flexors & Extensors #29 (9-25-19)
Minimal Lifting #29 (January 25, 2017)
On the sides; Circles with the head & Leg # 30
Lifting in thought, on the Stomach #31 ( 4-3-19)
Lifting in thought firing extensors on stomach #31 (5-17-17)
Lengthening and rotating with right leg & left leg #32 6-28-17
Hands interlaced, clarifying hip joints #33 (12-11-19)
Hands interlaced, working core with circles #33 (9-20-17)
Caressing along the length of the leg #37
Head & Back Dsictions with Rotation #38 (11-13-19)
Head, back & pelvis distinctions #38 (8-23-17)
Head and back (distinctions in turns) #38
Lifting your knees while sittting #39 ( 10-9-18)
Lifting the Pelvis with swing & bend of the legs #40 (8-15-18)
Basic Bending and Twisting #41
Lifting the head & knee #42 (8-21-13)
And from here to Frog Stand # 48 Con’t. (3-4-20)
From Here to Frog Stand #48 92-26-2020)
The Abdominal Clock with Diagonals #83 (9-18-19)
Bending the abdomen with the leg swings(catching flies) #56 3-16-16
Lifting the Head with the Hands #59 8-24-16
Arms in a circle abouve head and to ceiling adding in flexion #61 (8-21-19)
Arms in a Circle over chest then above head, soles of feet togheter, twisting spine #61 (8-13-19)
Arms in a circle above head, sole of feet together #61 (March 29, 2017) 2
The head in the Circumference, sitting crossed legged and standing on the knees #65
On Stomach; Twisting while lifting Elbows enhancing extension with rotation 6-14-17
On Stomach. defining extension, flexion, roation and side bending #69 (8-28-19)
On Stomach, Rotating and stwisting Spine from upper body & Lower BOdy with Extension #69 (9-4-19)
On Stomach, twisting while lifting the elbows #69
Twisitng the Pelvis relative to the Shoulders #73 (1-9-19)
Twisting the Shoulders relative to the Pelvis # 73 6-21-17
Twisting the Pelvis Relative to the Shoulders #73
Slow lifting on the stomach #76
The Abdominal Clock with Diagonals #83 (9-18-19)
Clock…Abdominal Muscles #83 (7-31-19)
Lifting the Head & Legs while twisting on the stomach #87 (7-18-18)
Lifting the head and pelvis, with legs while side-bending and rotating #87 (2-7-18)
Lifting the Head and Legs while twisting #87 (8-28-13)
Lifting the head & legs while twisting #87 ( 6-18-14)
Lifting the Head & legs while twisting on the Stomach #87
Lengthening the arms, with rotation of spine #89(March 8, 2017)
Lengthening the Arms. allowing extension while crossing the Legs #90 (4-10-19)
Lengthening the arms while sitting cross legged #90
From lying on the back to sitting with lower leg crossed #92
Twisting RIght & Left #94 (4-19-18)
Sinking the spine between the shoulder blades #96 (5-10-18)
Lifting the elbows with a loose hand #99
#99 Lifting the Elbows with a loose hand 2 (8-12-15)
Four Diagonals in Folding #114
Rolling : Lengthening Left & Right #122
On the Knees; diagonal see-saw #123
Twisting the Pelvis & Shoulders with a swing #131
Rolling in a Bridge with the Hands on the Ankles (8-8-18)
Rolling in a bridge with the hands on the ankles #134
Looking at the back while Sitting #136
Crossing knees & twisting the back and pelvis #140
Pushing the floor:Wall in a bridge position backward #144
Pushing the floor in a bridge backwards #144 (5-11-16)
Lengthening the arms to the sides #158
Twisting the back and pelvis with the elbows and legs #137
Bending while sitting and shoulder movements #152
Twists and Advance Twists # 155
Preperation for a headstand part I #163
Preperation for a headstand, part 2 #164
Making the spine flexible and integrating it #177
Bending the fingers backward, part 1 #181
Bending the wrists, fingers backward, rounding spine, part 2 #182
Twisting the Spine by Sinking the Lower Legs #200 (12-20-17)
Twisting the spine by sinking the lower legs #200
Twisting the spine by sinking the lower legs #200 (2), Dec. 5th, 2012)
Gluing the Lungs part 1 #201 (6-12-19)
Gluing in the Lungs, part 1 #201 (11-7-18)
Gluing the Lungs part 2 Liquid (8-7-19)
Gluing the Lungs part 2 (6-19-19)
On the Side, getting the Spine Flexible #206
Lifting Straight legs & Circling the Arms #208
On the Side, Lifting a straight leg sideways #214
Lifting the hands at the head in a %22V%22 #216
Opposing Movements with the Head and Shoulder for Rotation #219 (1-2-19)
Twisting the Pelvis while lengthening the Arms #240 (10-31-18)
Getting to Know the Hip Joints with Extension (2-20-19)
Knee Pulling the Shoulders to Sit Indian Style (3-6-19)
Knee Pulling the Shoulders to sit Indian-Style #249 (2-13-19)
Arms in Chanukiah-distinctions #257
Lengthening the Arms and Legs with Examination Freeing up the Sex #237 (5-1-19)
Relaxing the Mucles of the Throat # 296
Knee pulling the Shoulders to Sit Indian Style #249
Circle with the Hands & Feet and Side Bending Body #254
Circle with the Hands & Feet in the Diagonal #255
The line of effort in the back in lifting #35
The line of effort in the stomach & chest #306
The Line of Effort in Lying on the BAck # 307 (2-6-19)
The line of effort:rolling the tennis ball #307
Preperation for sitting with swinging # 315
Movement of Opposition, Con’t on the Knees #334
Simpler, Lengthening the Spine #339 (5-17-18)
Using ropes to rotae the hips and spine #346
Twist right & left with the legs spread #358
Tanden with Bending the knees #359 ( 12-27-17)
Leaning on the hands and twisting #374
Differentiation in turning; arm, head, and leg #399
Lower legs right, left and head #408
Lifting & Pressing on the floor #411
Twist of the back with the sign of the knee #413
Preparation for rolling to sitting #417
Arm to the ceiling and movements of the thigh and head #419
On The sides, Lifting the Heels with Rotation of spine #427
Lifiting the feet with use of hands in variety of ways. #428 9-3-14MP3
Ankle & Head on the side Lifting #429
Wide open twisting on the side with spine #430
Twisting and Opposing gently #434
Preperation for Bridge #438 (3-27-19)
On the side, Head & Pelvis..Rotation #440
Twisting and Opposing rotation Gently #434 (1-22-20)
On the sides, rotation, extension & side bending with arms & legs (January 31-2018) #441
On the sides, arms feet, head #441
On the sides, arms, feet spinal rotation & side bending #441
On the sides, opposition & differentitation #441
Opposition on the sides, getting ahold of the feet #447
Preperation for bridge, stomach, back #438,
Final Preperation for Bridge #439
On the side, head and pelvis #440
Preparations for Hands inside & Out #454 part 1
Preperations for hands inside & out Part 2 adding spinal rotation #454
Diagonal Sitting holding the knees #461 (8-2-17)
Bending and Erecting while Holding the Lower Leg #464 (3-20-19)
Arm around in lying on side #495
Leg to side Arching Spine #500
Lengthening on the Stomach (1-16-19) #514
Lengthening on the stomach, firing the extensors #514
Dragging knees to the stomach #515
Dragging knees to stomach & rolling #515
Arms & Legs Spread, Diagonals #516
On the Right side, Head &knee under the frame of the left arm #548
"It is more than wonderful to wake up each morning feeling rested and relaxed instead of tight and tense. I move better, have more energy and I am almost completely pain free."
Joyce Mathie – Founder & Spokesperson Sargent SteamRecent Articles