Sharon Starika is a runner and triathlete with over 20 years of competitive racing experience. Her involvement with the Certified Feldenkrais Method® of somatic education began in 1984 when she had a debilitating cycling accident resulting in nine surgeries. Her doctors said she would never compete again and probably would not be able to run. Using the Feldenkrais Method®, she not only recovered and returned to competition, she improved her marathon time by an astonishing 20 minutes. As a result of this incredible experience, Sharon became a Guild Feldenkrais Practitioner™ and began to develop her own theory and ideas about optimizing fitness using the Feldenkrais Method®.
Sharon has a private practice in Park City, Utah and teaches classes and clinics around the country. She also offers instructional online workshops so people interested can practice her methods anywhere.
Originally from La Jolla California, Sharon had her own successful private practice for 22 years and also ran competitively throughout Southern California area competing in 10ks, and half marathons yearly.
Since moving to Park City, Sharon has run the Triple Challenge and the Park City half marathon events for the past two consecutive years. Prior to moving to Park City, Sharon had never run a trail event, or even on a trail and now she is leading workshops on trail running as well as competing.
Some of Sharon’s recent running results are 1st place in her age group and the master’s division at last year’s Logan Marathon, 2nd place in the Steeple Chase and 1st place in the Park City Marathon in 2010. She also won the Park City 1/2 Marathon in 2009 and was 3rd in the Steeple Chase. Sharon’s combined time for all three events at the Triple Challenge- a combination of the Steeplechase, Park City ½ Marathon and Mid-Mountain Marathon- awarded her the honor of 2nd place woman finisher. She also placed 2nd in the 4th of July 1/2 Marathon Lander, Wyoming, 2010.
I have been listening to the MP3's online with Sharon and I want to say you have an amazing ability to teach complex and challenging lessons is a safe and supporting way...
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