Sitting Indain Fashion # 4 (2-15-17)
Sitting with Straight Legs #12 (2-20-2020)
Four Points Lesson #16 (3-11-20)
Preperation for clock around the perimeter #19 (11-20-19)MP3
Preperation for a clock # 19 (1-3-18)
Continuation of clock, adding in Ribs & Head #19 (1-9-10-18)
Preperation of a clock # 19 (8-16-17)
Preperation for clock, pelvis & core (9-13-17)
Bending the Elbows over the Knees engaging the Core #20 (10-4-17)
Bending the Elbows over the Knees using the core #20 (7-26-17)
Sitting on the Floor with the help of your hands & Pelvis #22 (7-24-19)
Foot to Head, Head to Foot, #34 (11-15-17)
Sliding the Length of the Legs with Sensation #37 (12-5-18)
Sliding along each Leg #49 ( 5-30-18)
Bending the Abdomen with Legs swings ( Catching Flies) #56 (6-26-19)MP3
Bending the abdomen with the leg swings(catching flies) #56 3-16-16
Lifting the Head with the Hands using the Core #59 (12-12-18)
Rocking the back with the help of the legs releasing the Psoas #74 7-12-17
Twisting the shoulders relative to the pelvis #75
Circles with Pelvis, trunk & arm # 80
Washing the face with feet part 1 #81 (6-6-18)
Washing the face with the feet part 2 #81 (6-13-18)
Washing the Face with the Feet #81
Bending left, right, forward & back, completions of Pelvic Clock #85 (1-24-18)
Forward and Backward, getting tall and shrinking with the Pelvis #86
Lying on the Back with Lower Leg, crossing up to sitting #92 (8-22-18)
Lying on the back to sitting cross legs #92
Softening the hip joints to side sitting #93
Turning the Nose in a cilrcle, relating to the Pelvis #95
Knees outward:Bridge lesson #174 & #144
Heels under the pelvis # 1 #190
Con’t Heels under pelvis ( finding big toe and second toe) #192
Heels # 2 Weight between big toe & 2nd toe 4-15-15
Heels under the pelvis #3&4 #193
Heels under the Pelvis # 5 (Japanese Sitting) #195
Swinging Bent Legs to Straighten #227
Getting to Know the Hip Joints with Extension (2-20-19)
Getting to know the hip joints #241( January 2014)
Heels and Toes in Circles #244
Hip Joints by way of Lengthening continuation #269
Partial Turnings right and left, walking, finding high point (4-25-18)
Basic Movements of the Toes #292
Improving the Hopping for beginners #298
Releasing the hips by holding the Feet #302
Preparation for Sitting with Swinging #315
Finger in with the big Toe #342
Forehead in the hands, circles with head & pelvis, sitting back on heels to open ankles #350(3-28-18)
On the Elbows & the Knees # 357
Tanden, breathing, diaphragm, Folding with Knees & arms #359 (2-28-18)
Straightening the Legs with Holding the Feet #369
Distancing the toes Lesson #401
Pulling the toes with the knees crossed #412
Preparation for Blanket Squatting #422
Lying on the Heels #425 2-25-15
Bending the feet & the toes #431
Edges of the feet, the gap, the Pelvis part 1 #433 (8-29-17)
Turning the edges of the feet, opening the hips & glutes #433 Continuation (9-6-17)
Bending knees, hips & ankles while lying on back #458
Pulling the knees & straightening the knees #459
Diagonal sitting holding the knees part 1 #461
About 20 years ago I was diagnosed with relapsing remitting MS. I had always led an active lifestyle and wasn't about to let MS get in my way.
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