Equalizing the Nostrila #5 (12-13-17)
Turning your Head and Pelvis around the Center # 6 (2-21-18)
Turning the Head around Circumference #6
Rolling the head between the Hands #8 (3-7-18)
Preperation for Shoulder:Head Stand # 11 (2-12-2020)
Eyes 1 #15 (3-14-18)
Chanukia, The Candle Holders with Rotation # 18 (10-10-18)
Chanukia The Candle Holder #18 (7-25-18)
Chanukia, The Candle Holder # 18
Palate, mouth, and space #23 11-28-17
Palate, mouth, and teeth #23 (2)
Head, back & pelvis distinctions #38 (8-23-17)
Lengthening the Neck with Lumbar spine:Extensors #46 (March 15, 2017) e
Lowering the head making cirlces #46 (March 22, 2017)
Differentiation of eyes, head, and back in twisting movements #54
Arms in a circle above head, sole of feet together #61 (March 29, 2017)
Circles with Pelvis, trunk & arm # 80(4-4-18)
Circles with the arm while lying, sitting, reaching #80(3-21-18)
A Clock in Front of the Face #82
A clock in front of the Face #82 Nov. 27, 2013
Lengthening the Arms while engaging the Ribs #89 (10-24-18)
Lengthening the arms, with rotation of spine #89(March 8, 2017)
#99 Lifting the Elbows with a loose hand 2 ( August 12, 2015)
Bending sideways on the back #103
Twisiting and Bending in Sitting #119
Work with the Dominant hand #124 ( active hand)
The Mouth & Head CAvity with Pelvis #126
The Mouth and Head Cavity #126(5-23-18)
Arm Circles with Lifting the Head #129
Head under a frame, part 1 #132 ( 5-6-15)
Head under a fram , Part 1 #132 7-13-16
Head under frame, Part 2 #133 (5-13-15)
Head Under a Frame, Part 1 #132
Head Under a Frame, Part 2 #133
Pushing the floor in a bridge backward #144
Sliding the back of the hands behind the back #160
Lifting the Head Diagonally #170
Stopping the Breath #172 (12-19-18)
Bending the fingers backward, Part 1 #181 3-25-15
Bending fingers backward I & II #181¶
Lying on the feet (# 2 Continuation on the stomach )#184
Lifting the hands at the head in a %22V%22 #216
On the Knees, cirlces with Pelvis, & Face Sliding arm under Gap #228 (2-5-20)
Lengthening the Arms and Legss with variations #237 (5-29-19)
Arms in Chanukiah – distinctions # 257
Hands Behind the Legs Pecking #264
Shoulders behind the back #323
Holding hand in hand on the back #384
EAch Side Seperately Pelvis & Jaw #457
Classical Twist on the sides with advance openings #465
Continuation with eyes & spinal rotaiton #466
The Face #495 and Space Around YOU (10-17-18)
Lifting the elbows–Interlaced #535
Fingers interlaced on the Chest #536
Rolling with the Elbows interlaced #538
About 20 years ago I was diagnosed with relapsing remitting MS. I had always led an active lifestyle and wasn't about to let MS get in my way.
ATM Testimonial – Sally GrantRecent Articles