Dear Sharon:
Thank you so very, very much for recording your Feldenkrais lessons and putting them on the web!Some time back now, I was seeking relief from SI joint pain (and related issues) and none of my usual Feldenkrais sources were helping. When I started “doing” the lessons in the series on, I could barely imagine them, let alone do them. And now, after doing them many, many times … they are among my most favorites.
One of the things I love most about your teaching style is that you encourage moving, pausing just a few seconds when needed, and then moving some more. Then, when it’s time to truly rest, you let there be complete quiet. I could use more silence in my life! I also love how you laugh with delight with your students, their discoveries, and your thoughts about how wonderfully children move.
Thanks in large part to your lessons on, my pain has lessened to a point where (as you described in one of those recorded lessons), it can now serve as my guide. I was thrilled to later find your site and see that there are so many more lessons there that I can tap into. I will!
Thank you again, and be well!
I attended one of Sharon's hiking workshops. That particular weekend I was caring for my friends' dogs. While walking them I found it very difficult to climb the hill on the road near my house.
Hiking Workshop Testimonial – Karen DukerRecent Articles