Anyone can benefit from practicing Feldenkrais, whether in one of my weekly Awareness Through Movement classes or in a private session. Every aspect of a person’s life can be made easier by learning through the Feldenkrais Method how to move more efficiently. This work can reduce daily aches and pains, rehabilitate injuries, and improve athletic performance or general mobility.
Awareness Through Movement classes involve simple movements that will free you from pain while increasing your range of motion, bringing you to a level of awareness where you learn how to let go of excess effort and discover your body’s freedom to move. These classes offer the wonderful combination of joint mobility while increasing your length and flexibility. To enjoy your daily life, sports, and to have a functional body, this combination is key to a greater balance between strength and flexibility.
Curious about how Feldenkrais can improve your life? Attend one of my weekly classes at the MARC, Silver Mountain Sports Club & Spa or schedule a private session.
“The Feldenkrais Class” 9:30-10:30am at MARC (previously known as the Racquet Club)
“Moving Pain Free” 12:30-1:30 pm at Silver Mtn. Sports Club at Prospector
“The Feldenkrais Class” 6-7 pm at MARC
(435) 655-1989
I have been listening to the MP3's online with Sharon and I want to say you have an amazing ability to teach complex and challenging lessons is a safe and supporting way...
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