Hi, my name is Joyce Mathie and I’d like to share my testimony of Feldenkrais and my Feldenkrais Therapist, Sharon Starika. This science and Ms. Starika has been a miracle for me. Since December of 1993 I have suffered with Fibromyalgia. Though my disease has not been severe as many I’ve heard about there has been lots of muscle pain and chronic fatigue. My medical Doctor was absolutely no help at all when it came to this disease. Through the years a good Chiropractor and a marvelous Massage therapist have helped a great deal but I still had a lot of trouble keeping my neck bones in alignment. This resulted in extremely tight muscles, tension headaches, loss of memory and extreme fatigue. Thanks to my Feldenkrais Therapy with Sharon, which balanced my skeleton and retrained my muscles to allow the bones to stay in proper alignment I no longer have the tension headaches and all the pain that goes with them. It is more than wonderful to wake up each morning feeling rested and relaxed instead of tight and tense. I move better, have more energy and I am almost completely pain free.
Thank you Sharon, I’m so glad you are in my life!
Joyce Mathie – Founder & Spokesperson Sargent Steam
There is no going back to my old ways. This new-found awareness has really helped me to tune in to my posture and gait during running, even to issues we have not specifically covered during the sessions.
Eung K. – Anesthesiologist and Athlete in San DiegoRecent Articles